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2003 California gubernatorial recall election

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2003 California gubernatorial recall election

← 2002 October 7, 2003 2006 →
Turnout61.20%[1] Increase34.4pp
Vote on recall
Shall Gray Davis be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor?
Votes %
Yes 4,976,274 55.39%
No 4,007,783 44.61%
Valid votes 8,984,057 95.44%
Invalid or blank votes 429,431 4.56%
Total votes 9,413,488 100.00%
Registered voters/turnout 15,380,536 61.2%

County results
Yes:      50–60%      60–70%      70–80%
No:      50–60%      60–70%      70–80%      80–90%
Replacement candidates

If Davis is recalled, who should replace him as governor?
Candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger Cruz Bustamante Tom McClintock
Party Republican Democratic Republican
Popular vote 4,206,284 2,724,874 1,161,287
Percentage 48.6% 31.5% 13.4%

County results
Schwarzenegger:      40–50%      50–60%      60–70%
Bustamante:      40–50%      50–60%      60–70%

Governor before election

Gray Davis

Governor after election

Arnold Schwarzenegger

The 2003 California gubernatorial recall election was a special election permitted under California state law. It resulted in voters replacing incumbent Democratic Governor Gray Davis with Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican. The recall effort spanned the latter half of 2003. Seven of the nine previous governors, including Davis, had faced unsuccessful recall attempts.[2]

After several legal and procedural efforts failed to stop it, California's first-ever gubernatorial recall election was held on October 7, and the results were certified on November 14, 2003, making Davis the first governor recalled in the history of California, and just the second in U.S. history (the first was North Dakota's 1921 recall of Lynn Frazier).[3] California is one of 19 states that allow recalls.[4] Nearly 18 years after the 2003 election, California held a second recall election in 2021; however, that recall was unsuccessful, failing to oust Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom.[5]



The California recall process became law in 1911 as the result of Progressive Era reforms that spread across the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The ability to recall elected officials came along with the initiative and referendum processes. The movement in California was spearheaded by Republican Governor Hiram Johnson, a reformist, who called the recall process a "precautionary measure by which a recalcitrant official can be removed". No illegality has to be committed by politicians in order for them to be recalled. If an elected official commits a crime while in office, the state legislature can hold impeachment trials. For a recall, only the will of the people is necessary to remove an official.[6] Nineteen U.S. states, along with the District of Columbia, allow the recall of state officials.[7]

Before the successful recall of Gray Davis, no California statewide official had ever been recalled, although there had been 117 previous attempts. Only seven of those even made it onto the ballot, all for state legislators. Every California governor since Goodwin Knight in the 1950s has been subject to a recall effort. Davis was the first governor of California whose opponents gathered the necessary signatures to qualify for a special election. Davis also faced a recall petition in 1999 but that effort failed to gain enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. Davis's recall at the time was only the second gubernatorial recall election in U.S. history. The first governor recall occurred in 1921, when North Dakota's Lynn J. Frazier was recalled over a dispute about state-owned industries, and was replaced by Ragnvald A. Nestos.[8] A third gubernatorial recall election occurred in Wisconsin in 2012 which, unlike the previous two, failed.

The 2003 recall was prompted by some actions taken by Davis and his predecessor, Governor Pete Wilson. Many people were upset with the governor's decision to block the enactment of Proposition 187, which had been found unconstitutional by a Federal District Court. Davis, who had opposed the measure, decided not to appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, effectively killing the ballot measure. He also signed two new restrictive gun-control laws. Many people were further upset about the then ongoing California electricity crisis. The crisis was brought on by a series of deregulatory moves, including a bill signed into law by the previous Governor. As Davis's recall transpired before he had served half of his term as governor, he remained eligible to serve another term, should he win a future election for the California governor post.

California law

California Secretary of State building on October 7, 2003

Under California law, any elected official may be the target of a recall campaign.[9] To trigger a recall election, proponents of the recall must gather a certain number of signatures from registered voters within a certain time period. The number of signatures statewide must equal 12% of the number of votes cast in the previous election for that office.[10] For the 2003 recall election, that meant a minimum of 897,156 signatures, based on the November 2002 statewide elections.[11] As the 2002 California gubernatorial election had the lowest turnout in modern history, the number of signatures required was less than usual.[12]

The effort to recall Gray Davis began with Republicans Ted Costa, Mark Abernathy, and Howard Kaloogian, who filed their petition with the California Secretary of State and started gathering signatures. The effort was not taken seriously until U.S. Representative Darrell Issa, who hoped to run as a replacement candidate for governor, donated $2 million to a new committee, Rescue California, which then led the effort. Eventually, proponents gathered about 1.6 million signatures, of which 1,356,408 were certified as valid.[11]

Under most circumstances in which a recall campaign against a statewide elected official has gathered the required number of signatures, the governor is required to schedule a special election for the recall vote.[13] If the recall campaign qualified less than 180 days prior to the next regularly scheduled election, then the recall becomes part of that regularly scheduled election.[14] In the case of a recall against the governor, the responsibility for scheduling a special election falls on the lieutenant governor,[15] who in 2003 was Cruz Bustamante.[16]

Political climate


The political climate was largely shaped by the California electricity crisis of the early 2000s, during which many people experienced a tripling in the cost of their energy consumption as rolling blackouts happened throughout the state. The public held Davis partly responsible, although the causes included federal deregulation and California's Electric Utility Industry Restructuring Act, signed into law by Governor Wilson.[17]

Driving the outcome of the recall was the perception that Davis had mismanaged the events leading up to the energy crisis. It was argued that he had not fought vigorously for Californians against the energy fraud, and that he had not pushed for legislative or emergency executive action against the fraudulent companies soon enough. He was said to have signed deals agreeing to pay energy companies fixed yet inflated prices for years to come based on those paid during the crisis. Opponents felt that a corporate-friendly Republican governor could shield California politically from further corporate fraud. Others speculated that the corporations involved sought not only profit but were acting in concert with Republican political allies to cause political damage to the nationally influential Democratic governor. Still others, such as Arianna Huffington, argued that Davis's fundraising and campaign contributions from various companies, including energy companies, rendered him unable to confront his contributors. Davis had accepted $2 million from the California Correctional Peace Officers Association, and used his political connections to pass an estimated $5 billion raise for them over the coming years. That led many people throughout California to believe Davis was guilty of corruption, even if he did not meet the standard necessary for prosecution.[18]

Recall election


On February 5, 2003, anti-tax activist Ted Costa announced a plan to start a petition drive to recall Davis. Several committees were formed to collect signatures, but Costa's Davis Recall Committee was the only one authorized by the state to submit signatures. One committee "Recall Gray Davis Committee", organized by Republican political consultant Sal Russo and former Republican assemblyman Howard Kaloogian played a smaller role in drumming up support. Kaloogian served as chairman, Russo as chief strategist of the committee.[19] After the recall both Kaloogian and Russo went on to found Move America Forward.[20][21]

By law, the committee had to collect signatures from registered California voters amounting to 12% of the number of Californians who voted in the previous gubernatorial election (November 2002) for the special recall vote to take place. The organization was given the go-ahead to collect signatures on March 25, 2003. Organizers had 160 days to collect signatures. Specifically, they had to collect at least 897,158 valid signatures from registered voters by September 2, 2003.

The recall movement began slowly, largely relying on talk radio, a website, cooperative e-mail, word-of-mouth, and grassroots campaigning to drive the signature gathering. Davis derided the effort as "partisan mischief" by "a handful of right-wing politicians" and called the proponents losers; nevertheless, by mid-May, recall proponents said they had gathered 300,000 signatures. They sought to gather the necessary signatures by July in order to get the special election in the fall of 2003 instead of March 2004 during the Democratic presidential primary election, when Democratic Party turnout would presumably be higher. The effort continued to gather signatures, but the recall was far from a sure thing and the proponents were short on cash to promote their cause.

The movement took off when wealthy U.S. Representative Darrell Issa, a Republican representing San Diego, California, announced on May 6 that he would use his personal money to push the effort. All told, he contributed $1.7 million of his own money to finance advertisements and professional signature-gatherers. With the movement accelerated, the recall effort began to make national news and soon appeared to be almost a sure thing. The only question was whether signatures would be collected quickly enough to force the special election to take place in late 2003 rather than in March 2004.

The Issa recall committee's e-mail stated that California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley, belonging to the same party as the Governor, resisted certification of the recall signatures as long as possible. By mid-May, the recall organization was calling for funds to begin a lawsuit against Shelley, and publicly considered a separate recall effort for the Secretary of State (also an elected official in California). By July 23, 2003, recall advocates turned in over 110% of the required signatures, and on that date, the Secretary of State announced that the signatures had been certified and a recall election would take place. Proponents had set a goal of 1.2 million to provide a buffer in case of invalid signatures. In the end, there were 1,363,411 valid signatures out of 1,660,245 collected (897,156 required). On July 24, Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante announced that Davis would face a recall election. This was to be the second gubernatorial recall election in United States history and the first in the history of California. California's Constitution required that a recall election be held within 80 days of the date the recall petition was certified, or within 180 days if a regularly scheduled statewide election came within that time. Had the petition been certified at the deadline of September 2, the election would have been held in March 2004, the next scheduled statewide election. Instead, Bustamante had to select a date. He chose Tuesday, October 7, 2003, which was 76 days after the date of certification.

Arguments about the recall drive


Backers of the recall effort cited Davis's alleged lack of leadership, combined with California's weakened and hurt economy. According to the circulated petition:

[Governor Davis's actions were a] gross mismanagement of California Finances by overspending taxpayers' money, threatening public safety by cutting funds to local governments, failing to account for the exorbitant cost of the energy, and failing, in general, to deal with the state's major problems until they get to the crisis stage.[22]

Opponents of the recall said the situation was more complicated for several reasons. The entire United States and many of its economic trading partners had been in an economic recession. California was hit harder than other states at the end of the speculative bubble known as the "dot-com bubble"—from 1996 to 2000—when Silicon Valley was the center of the internet economy. California state expenditures soared when the government was flush with revenues. Some Californians blamed Davis and the state legislature for continuing to spend heavily while revenues dried up, ultimately leading to record deficits.

The California electricity crisis of 2000–2001 caused great financial damage to the state of California. The legal issues still were not resolved in time to alleviate California's dire need for electricity, and the state instituted "rolling blackouts" and in some cases instituted penalties for excess energy use. In the recall campaign, Republicans and others opposed to Davis's governance sometimes charged that Davis did not "respond properly" to the crisis. Most economists disagreed,[who?] believing that Davis could do little else—and anyone in the governor's office would have had to capitulate, as Davis did, in the absence of federal help. The George W. Bush administration rejected requests for federal intervention, responding that it was California's problem to solve.[23] Still, subsequent revelations of corporate accounting scandals and market manipulation by some Texas-based energy companies, mainly Enron, did little to quiet the criticism of Davis's handling of the crisis.[further explanation needed]

Davis swept into the governor's office in 1998 in a landslide victory and a 60% approval rating as California's economy roared to new heights during the dot-com boom. Davis took his mandate from the voters and sought out a centrist political position, refusing some demands from labor unions and teachers' organizations on the left. The Democratic Davis, already opposed by Republicans, began losing favor among members of his own party. Nevertheless, Davis's approval ratings remained above 50%.

When the California electricity crisis slammed the state in 2001, Davis was blasted for his slow and ineffective response. His approval rating dropped into the 30s and never recovered. When the energy crisis settled down, Davis's administration was hit with a fund-raising scandal. California had a $95 million contract with Oracle Corporation that was found to be unnecessary and overpriced by the state auditor. Three of Davis's aides were fired or resigned after it was revealed that the governor's technology adviser accepted a $25,000 campaign contribution shortly after the contract was signed. The money was returned, but the scandal fueled close scrutiny of Davis's fundraising for his 2002 re-election bid.

In the 2002 primary election, Davis ran unopposed for the Democratic nomination. He spent his campaign funds on attack ads against California Secretary of State Bill Jones and Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan, the two well-known moderates in the Republican primary. The result was that his opponent in the general election was conservative Republican and political newcomer Bill Simon, who was popular within his own party but unknown by the majority of the state population. The attacks from both sides turned off voters and suppressed turnout; Davis ultimately won with 47% of the vote. The suppressed turnout had the effect of lowering the threshold for the 2003 recall petition to qualify.

On December 18, 2002, just over a month after being reelected, Davis announced that California would face a record budget deficit possibly as high as $35 billion, a forecast $13.7 billion higher than one a month earlier. The number was finally estimated to be $38.2 billion, more than all 49 other states' deficits combined. Already suffering from low approval ratings, Davis's numbers hit historic lows in April 2003 with 24% approval and 65% disapproval, according to a California Field Poll. Davis was almost universally disliked by both Republicans and Democrats in the state and a recall push was high. A hot-button issue that seemed to galvanize the public was the vehicle license fee increase Davis implemented under provisions of legislation passed by his predecessor which originally reduced the fees.[24]

On June 20, 2003, the Davis administration re-instituted the full vehicle license fee, and the action withstood legal challenge. The action was a key step in the plan to close the $38 billion shortfall in the 2003–2004 budget. The increase tripled the vehicle license fee for the average car owner, and began appearing in renewal notices starting August 1. The California state budget passed in late July 2003 included the projected $4 billion in increased vehicle license fee revenue. Proponents of the Governor's recall characterized the increase as a tax hike and used it as an issue in the recall campaign. In mid-August 2003, Davis floated a plan to reverse the increase, making up the revenue with taxes on high-income earners, cigarettes, and alcoholic beverages.

When Davis was recalled and Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor in October 2003, Schwarzenegger vowed that his first act as governor would be to revoke the vehicle license fee increase. On November 17, just after his inauguration, Governor Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order S-1-03, rescinding the vehicle license fee retroactive to October 1, 2003, when the fee increase went into effect. Analysts predicted that this would add more than $4 billion to the state deficit. Schwarzenegger did not indicate how cities and counties would be reimbursed for the lost revenue they received from the license fee to support public safety and other local government activities.

Top candidates


In total, 135 candidates qualified for the ballot for the October 7 recall election. Several of the candidates were prominent celebrities. In the election, only four candidates received at least 1% of the vote:

Election process

Sample ballot from Orange County; the recall question, along with the list of replacement candidates fills the first three columns. The order of the names on the ballot was determined by a randomization of the sequence of the alphabet, with the list being shifted in each of the state's 80 Assembly districts. As a result, with 135 candidates in the race, some candidates were not able to be listed first in at least one district.[28]

The ballot consisted of two questions; voters could vote on one or the other, or on both. The first question asked whether Gray Davis should be recalled. It was a simple yes–no question, and if a majority voted no, then the second question would become irrelevant and Davis would remain California governor. If a majority voted yes, then Davis would be removed from office once the vote was certified, and the second question would determine his successor.

Voters had to choose one candidate from a long list of 135 candidates. Voters who voted against recalling Davis could still vote for a candidate to replace him in case the recall vote succeeded. The candidate receiving the most votes (a plurality) would then become the next governor of California. Certification by the Secretary of State of California would require completion within 39 days of the election, and history indicated that it could require that entire time frame to certify the statewide election results. Once the results were certified, a newly elected governor would have to be sworn into office within 10 days.

Filing requirements and candidates


Those Californians wishing to run for governor were given until August 9 to file. The requirements to run were relatively low and attracted a number of interesting and strange candidates. A California citizen needed only to gather 65 signatures from their own party and pay a nonrefundable $3,500 fee to become a candidate, or in lieu of the fee collect up to 10,000 signatures from any party, the fee being prorated by the fraction of 10,000 valid signatures the candidate filed. No candidate in fact collected more than a handful of signatures-in-lieu, so that all paid almost the entire fee.[citation needed] In addition, candidates from recognized third parties were allowed on the ballot with no fee if they could collect 150 signatures from their own party.

The low requirements attracted many "average Joes" with no political experience to file as well as several celebrity candidates. Many prominent potential candidates chose not to run. These included Democratic U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, widely regarded as the most popular statewide office-holding Democrat in California, who cited her own experience with a recall drive while she was mayor of San Francisco.

Darrell Issa, who bankrolled the recall effort and had said he would run for governor, abruptly dropped out of the race on August 7 among accusations that he had bankrolled the recall effort solely to get himself into office. Issa claimed that Schwarzenegger's decision to run did not affect his decision and he dropped out because he was assured that there were several strong candidates running in the recall.[29] The San Francisco Chronicle claimed that Davis's attacks on Issa's "checkered past" and polls showing strong Republican support for Schwarzenegger caused Issa to withdraw.[29]

Former Mayor of Los Angeles Richard Riordan and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger (a fellow Republican) agreed that only one of them would run; when Schwarzenegger announced on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno that he would be a candidate, Riordan dropped out of the race. Riordan was surprised and those close to him say angered when he learned Schwarzenegger was running. Riordan did end up endorsing Schwarzenegger, but his endorsement was described as terse and matter-of-fact in contrast to his usually effusive way.[29]

Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante himself entered the race and quickly became the Democratic frontrunner, although he continued to oppose the recall and urged Californians to vote against it. State Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi (a Democrat) announced on August 7 that he would be a candidate for governor. Just two days later and only hours before the deadline to file, he announced "I will not engage in this election as a candidate", adding "this recall election has become a circus". Garamendi had been under tremendous pressure to drop out from fellow Democrats who feared a split of the Democratic vote between him and Bustamante, should the recall succeed.



On September 3, five top candidates—independent Arianna Huffington, Democratic Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante, Green Party candidate Peter Camejo, Republican State Senator Tom McClintock, and former baseball commissioner Peter Ueberroth—participated in a live television debate. Noticeably absent was Arnold Schwarzenegger, who opponents charged was not adequately prepared.[30] Schwarzenegger had repeatedly stated that he would not participate in such events until later in the election cycle. Prior to this first debate, Governor Davis spent 30 minutes answering questions from a panel of journalists and voters.

Due to the media attention focused on some candidates, GSN held a game show debate entitled Who Wants to Be Governor of California? – The Debating Game, a political game show featuring six candidates unlikely to win the election, including former child star Gary Coleman and porn star Mary Carey. Several candidates who would still be listed on the ballot dropped out of the campaign before the October 7 election. On August 23, Republican Bill Simon (the 2002 party nominee) announced he was dropping out. He said: "There are too many Republicans in this race and the people of our state simply cannot risk a continuation of the Gray Davis legacy." Simon did not endorse any candidates at the time, but several weeks later he endorsed front-runner Arnold Schwarzenegger, as did Darrell Issa, who had not filed for the race. On September 9, former MLB commissioner and Los Angeles Olympic Committee President Peter Ueberroth withdrew his candidacy in the recall election.

Newsvans at Schwarzenegger inauguration

On September 24, the remaining top five candidates (Schwarzenegger, Bustamante, Huffington, McClintock, and Camejo) gathered in the University Ballroom at California State University, Sacramento, for a live televised debate[31] that resembled the red-carpet premiere of a movie in Hollywood. Schwarzenegger's marquee name attracted large crowds, a carnival atmosphere, and an army of hundreds of credentialed media from around the world. While the candidate and his staff rode on buses named Running Man and Total Recall, the reporters' buses were named after Predator.[32] The aftermath of the debate was swift. On September 30, author Arianna Huffington withdrew her candidacy on the Larry King Live television program and announced that she was opposing the recall entirely in light of Schwarzenegger's surge in the polls. Apparently in response to her withdrawal, Bustamante endorsed her plan for public financing of election campaigns, an intended anti-corruption measure.

Election issues


Concurrent alternatives


On July 29, 2003, federal judge Barry Moskowitz ruled section 11382 of the California election code unconstitutional. The provision required that only those voters who had voted in favor of the recall could cast a vote for a candidate for governor. The judge ruled that a voter could vote for or against the recall election and still vote for a replacement candidate. Secretary of State Kevin Shelley did not contest the ruling, thereby setting a legal precedent.[33]

Availability of Spanish-speaking poll workers


In August, a federal judge in San Jose announced that he was considering issuing an order postponing the recall election. Activists in Monterey County had filed suit, claiming that Monterey County, and other counties of California affected by the Voting Rights Act were violating the act by announcing that, because of budgetary constraints, they were planning on hiring fewer Spanish-speaking poll watchers, and were going to cut back by almost half the number of polling places. On September 5, a three-member panel of federal judges ruled that the county's election plans did not constitute a violation of the federal Voting Rights Act.

Punch card ballots


A lawsuit filed in Los Angeles by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) claimed that the use of the "hanging chad" style punch-card ballots still in use in six California counties (Los Angeles, Mendocino, Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Clara, and Solano) were in violation of fair election laws. U.S. District Judge Stephen V. Wilson in Los Angeles ruled on August 20, 2003, that the election would not be delayed because of the punch-card ballot problems.[34] There was an estimate that up 40,000 voters in those heavily minority districts might be disenfranchised, if the election were not postponed to remedy the difficulty. His ruling was appealed, and heard by three judges in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. On September 15, the judges issued a unanimous ruling postponing the recall election until March 2004, on the grounds that the existence of allegedly obsolete voting equipment in those six counties violated the equal protection constitutional guarantee, thus overruling the lower district court which had rejected this argument.[35][36]

Recall proponents questioned why punch-card ballots were adequate enough to elect Governor Davis, but were not good enough to recall him.[citation needed] Proponents planned to appeal the postponement to the U.S. Supreme Court; however, an 11-judge en banc panel, also from the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and quickly and carefully canvassed by Judge Alex Kozinski, gathered to rehear the controversial case.[35] On the morning of September 23, the panel reversed the three-judge ruling in a unanimous decision, arguing that the concerns about the punch-card ballots were outweighed by the harm that would be done by postponing the election.[37]

Further legal appeals were discussed but did not occur. The ACLU announced it would not make an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, and Davis was widely quoted in the press as saying "Let's just get it over with", and the election proceeded as planned on October 7.



Public opinion was divided on the recall, with many passionately-held positions on both sides of the recall election. Californians were fairly united in their disapproval of Governor Davis's handling of the state, with his approval numbers in the mid-20s. On the question of whether he should be recalled, Californians were more divided, but polls in the weeks leading up to the election consistently showed that a majority would vote to remove him.

Polls showed that the two leading candidates, Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante, a Democrat, and Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, were neck and neck with about 25–35% of the vote each, and Bustamante with a slight lead in most polls.[citation needed] Republican State Senator Tom McClintock also polled in the double-digits. Remaining candidates polled in the low single digits. Polls in the final week leading up to the election showed support for Davis slipping and support for Schwarzenegger growing.

Many observers outside California and some members of the press consistently called the recall chaos and madness as well as a media circus and nightmare. With the candidacies of a few celebrities and many regular Californians, the entire affair became a joke to some (there were tongue-in-cheek references to Schwarzenegger's role in the science fiction film Total Recall) as well as an "only-in-California" event. Nevertheless, most Californians took the recall seriously, with the future of the governor's office at stake. In the months before the election, 380,000 Californians registered to vote, for a total of 15.3 million—more registered voters than there had been in the three previous presidential elections.[38]


Source Ranking As of
Tossup September 2, 2003



The October 7 ballot had two questions. The first question was whether Gray Davis, the sitting governor, should be recalled; those voting on it were 55.4% in favor of recall and 44.6% opposed. The second question was who would replace the governor in the event that a majority voted to recall him. Among those voting on the potential replacement, Arnold Schwarzenegger received a plurality of 48.6%, surpassing Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante's 31.5%, about a 3-to-2 ratio. Republican Tom McClintock received 13.4% of the vote – less than half the share of the candidate he trailed. Green Party candidate Peter Camejo polled 2.8%, trailing McClintock by almost four-to-one. Each remaining candidate polled 0.6% or less.

Schwarzenegger's votes exceeded those for the next five candidates combined, despite the presumed division of Republican voters between him and McClintock. There were also more votes for Schwarzenegger (4,206,284) than votes against recalling Davis (4,007,783), avoiding the theoretical scenario of the replacement having less support than the recalled governor. At 10 p.m. local time, Davis conceded that he had lost to Schwarzenegger. He said "We've had a lot of good nights over the last 20 years, but tonight the people did decide that it's time for someone else to serve, and I accept their judgment." About 40 minutes later, in his acceptance speech, Schwarzenegger said: "Today California has given me the greatest gift of all: You've given me your trust by voting for me. I will do everything I can to live up to that trust. I will not fail you."

Following the election, all 58 of California's counties had 28 days (until November 4, 2003) each to conduct a countywide canvass of their votes. Counties used this time to count any absentee ballots or provisional ballots not yet counted, to reconcile the number of signatures on the roster of registered voters with the number of ballots recorded on the ballot statement, to count any valid write-in votes, to reproduce any damaged ballots, if necessary, and to conduct a hand count of the ballots cast in 1% of the precincts, chosen at random by the elections official. Counties then had seven days from the conclusion of canvassing (November 11, 2003, 35 days after the election) to submit their final vote totals to the California Secretary of State's office. The Secretary of State had to certify the final statewide vote by 39 days (until November 15) after the election. The vote was officially certified on November 14, 2003. Once the vote was certified, governor-elect Schwarzenegger had to be sworn into office within ten days.[40] His inauguration took place on November 17, 2003.

Key: Withdrew prior to contest
California gubernatorial recall election, 2003[1][41][42][43]
Vote on recall Votes Percentage
checkY Yes 4,976,274 55.4%
No 4,007,783 44.6%
Invalid or blank votes 429,431 4.6%
Totals 9,413,488 100.0%
Voter turnout 61.2%
Rank Party Candidate Votes Percentage
1 Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger 4,206,284 48.6%
2 Democratic Cruz Bustamante 2,724,874 31.5%
3 Republican Tom McClintock 1,161,287 13.4%
4 Green Peter Camejo 242,247 2.8%
5 Independent Arianna Huffington[44] 47,505 0.5%
All other listed and write-in candidates (see below for details) 275,719 3.2%
Invalid or blank votes 755,575 8.0%
Totals 9,413,491 100.0%
Voter turnout 61.2%
Republican gain from Democratic

Note that San Bernardino County did not report write-in votes for individual candidates.[42]

Results by county


On recall question

County Yes No Margin Total votes cast
# % # % # %
Alameda 126,713 30.01% 295,556 69.99% -168,843 -39.98% 422,269
Alpine 297 52.01% 274 47.99% 23 4.03% 571
Amador 9,600 67.40% 4,643 32.60% 4,957 34.80% 14,243
Butte 46,054 64.74% 25,081 35.26% 20,973 29.48% 71,135
Calaveras 11,775 66.79% 5,856 33.21% 5,919 33.57% 17,631
Colusa 3,821 75.10% 1,267 24.90% 2,554 50.20% 5,088
Contra Costa 137,372 43.71% 176,933 56.29% -39,561 -12.59% 314,305
Del Norte 4,315 62.37% 2,603 37.63% 1,712 24.75% 6,918
El Dorado 48,946 71.42% 19,585 28.58% 29,361 42.84% 68,531
Fresno 122,423 66.70% 61,120 33.30% 61,303 33.40% 183,543
Glenn 5,706 76.28% 1,774 23.72% 3,932 52.57% 7,480
Humboldt 22,861 47.89% 24,880 52.11% -2,019 -4.23% 47,741
Imperial 14,759 63.38% 8,527 36.62% 6,232 26.76% 23,286
Inyo 4,689 66.90% 2,320 33.10% 2,369 33.80% 7,009
Kern 121,431 75.73% 38,914 24.27% 82,517 51.46% 160,345
Kings 15,573 71.58% 6,184 28.42% 9,389 43.15% 21,757
Lake 9,799 54.60% 8,149 45.40% 1,650 9.19% 17,948
Lassen 6,671 75.39% 2,178 24.61% 4,493 50.77% 8,849
Los Angeles 984,222 49.00% 1,024,341 51.00% -40,119 -2.00% 2,008,563
Madera 21,113 72.34% 8,071 27.66% 13,042 44.69% 29,184
Marin 35,050 32.50% 72,806 67.50% -37,756 -35.01% 107,856
Mariposa 4,640 67.44% 2,240 32.56% 2,400 34.88% 6,880
Mendocino 11,900 42.25% 16,265 57.75% -4,365 -15.50% 28,165
Merced 26,641 63.43% 15,361 36.57% 11,280 26.86% 42,002
Modoc 2,544 74.19% 885 25.81% 1,659 48.38% 3,429
Mono 2,174 64.05% 1,220 35.95% 954 28.11% 3,394
Monterey 45,222 46.65% 51,711 53.35% -6,489 -6.69% 96,933
Napa 19,839 45.73% 23,540 54.27% -3,701 -8.53% 43,379
Nevada 27,201 62.85% 16,078 37.15% 11,123 25.70% 43,279
Orange 589,700 73.31% 214,718 26.69% 374,982 46.62% 804,418
Placer 88,040 72.06% 34,128 27.94% 53,912 44.13% 122,168
Plumas 6,049 68.54% 2,776 31.46% 3,273 37.09% 8,825
Riverside 283,923 70.38% 119,485 29.62% 164,438 40.76% 403,408
Sacramento 226,567 59.62% 153,475 40.38% 73,092 19.23% 380,042
San Benito 7,978 55.01% 6,526 44.99% 1,452 10.01% 14,504
San Bernardino 259,719 70.06% 111,014 29.94% 148,705 40.11% 370,733
San Diego 530,269 65.84% 275,151 34.16% 255,118 31.68% 805,420
San Francisco 52,177 19.69% 212,763 80.31% -160,586 -60.61% 264,940
San Joaquin 85,153 61.48% 53,347 38.52% 31,806 22.96% 138,500
San Luis Obispo 58,668 63.21% 34,147 36.79% 24,521 26.42% 92,815
San Mateo 80,109 37.20% 135,210 62.80% -55,101 -25.59% 215,319
Santa Barbara 71,558 57.36% 53,204 42.64% 18,354 14.71% 124,762
Santa Clara 182,332 42.12% 250,579 57.88% -68,247 -15.76% 432,911
Santa Cruz 32,939 35.59% 59,602 64.41% -26,663 -28.81% 92,541
Shasta 40,874 72.08% 15,833 27.92% 25,041 44.16% 56,707
Sierra 1,007 68.78% 457 31.22% 550 37.57% 1,464
Siskiyou 11,378 71.00% 4,648 29.00% 6,730 41.99% 16,026
Solano 52,151 49.29% 53,660 50.71% -1,509 -1.43% 105,811
Sonoma 66,251 39.52% 101,396 60.48% -35,145 -20.96% 167,647
Stanislaus 66,938 62.71% 39,805 37.29% 27,133 25.42% 106,743
Sutter 17,958 77.40% 5,244 22.60% 12,714 54.80% 23,202
Tehama 13,384 72.99% 4,954 27.01% 8,430 45.97% 18,338
Trinity 3,249 63.91% 1,835 36.09% 1,414 27.81% 5,084
Tulare 53,893 72.14% 20,818 27.86% 33,075 44.27% 74,711
Tuolumne 13,438 63.76% 7,637 36.24% 5,801 27.53% 21,075
Ventura 148,538 63.47% 85,484 36.53% 63,054 26.94% 234,022
Yolo 27,778 49.86% 27,936 50.14% -158 -0.28% 55,714
Yuba 10,905 75.24% 3,589 24.76% 7,316 50.48% 14,494
Total 4,976,274 55.39% 4,007,783 44.61% 968,491 10.78% 8,984,057

On replacement candidates

County Arnold Schwarzenegger
Cruz Bustamante
Tom McClintock
Peter Camejo
Arianna Huffington
All Others
Various Parties
Margin Total votes cast
# % # % # % # % # % # % # %
Alameda 98,461 25.57% 205,643 53.41% 39,776 10.33% 19,289 5.01% 3,214 0.83% 18,642 4.84% -107,182 -27.84% 385,025
Alpine 267 52.46% 162 31.83% 36 7.07% 13 2.55% 5 0.98% 26 5.11% 105 20.63% 509
Amador 8,281 57.92% 2,658 18.59% 2,592 18.13% 374 2.62% 79 0.55% 313 2.19% 5,623 39.33% 14,297
Butte 36,910 53.38% 14,893 21.54% 11,759 17.00% 3,075 4.45% 422 0.61% 2,092 3.03% 22,017 31.84% 69,151
Calaveras 9,410 53.77% 3,587 20.50% 3,431 19.61% 497 2.84% 74 0.42% 501 2.86% 5,823 33.27% 17,500
Colusa 3,159 64.21% 838 17.03% 783 15.91% 53 1.08% 11 0.22% 76 1.54% 2,321 47.17% 4,920
Contra Costa 114,187 39.54% 110,824 38.38% 42,152 14.60% 11,229 3.89% 2,072 0.72% 8,320 2.88% 3,363 1.16% 288,784
Del Norte 3,522 54.98% 1,634 25.51% 782 12.21% 96 1.50% 19 0.30% 353 5.51% 1,888 29.47% 6,406
El Dorado 41,572 61.45% 11,211 16.57% 10,532 15.57% 2,103 3.11% 292 0.43% 1,940 2.87% 30,361 44.88% 67,650
Fresno 93,375 51.85% 50,888 28.26% 29,393 16.32% 1,930 1.07% 522 0.29% 3,988 2.21% 42,487 23.59% 180,096
Glenn 4,429 62.64% 1,035 14.64% 1,285 18.18% 68 0.96% 17 0.24% 236 3.34% 3,144[a] 44.47% 7,070
Humboldt 18,756 41.42% 16,088 35.53% 3,992 8.82% 3,263 7.21% 275 0.61% 2,907 6.42% 2,668 5.89% 45,281
Imperial 9,632 45.76% 7,995 37.98% 2,067 9.82% 115 0.55% 46 0.22% 1,195 5.68% 1,637 7.78% 21,050
Inyo 3,610 54.16% 1,482 22.24% 1,067 16.01% 96 1.44% 50 0.75% 360 5.40% 2,128 31.93% 6,665
Kern 96,965 61.61% 29,459 18.72% 26,176 16.63% 1,055 0.67% 250 0.16% 3,480 2.21% 67,506 42.89% 157,385
Kings 12,539 56.55% 5,174 23.33% 3,835 17.30% 155 0.70% 40 0.18% 431 1.94% 7,365 33.21% 22,174
Lake 8,003 47.09% 5,137 30.23% 2,564 15.09% 519 3.05% 126 0.74% 645 3.80% 2,866 16.86% 16,994
Lassen 5,167 60.85% 1,306 15.38% 1,505 17.72% 98 1.15% 20 0.24% 395 4.65% 3,662[a] 43.13% 8,491
Los Angeles 878,747 44.82% 735,066 37.49% 217,404 11.09% 51,399 2.62% 13,255 0.68% 64,734 3.30% 143,681 7.33% 1,960,605
Madera 16,034 54.92% 6,216 21.29% 5,923 20.29% 267 0.91% 101 0.35% 653 2.24% 9,818 33.63% 29,194
Marin 31,321 32.02% 46,784 47.83% 9,955 10.18% 5,539 5.66% 1,204 1.23% 3,020 3.09% -15,463 -15.81% 97,823
Mariposa 3,463 50.05% 1,490 21.53% 1,550 22.40% 171 2.47% 22 0.32% 223 3.22% 1,913[a] 27.65% 6,919
Mendocino 9,949 37.19% 10,510 39.29% 2,909 10.87% 1,934 7.23% 270 1.01% 1,179 4.41% -561 -2.10% 26,751
Merced 20,267 50.81% 11,191 28.05% 7,128 17.87% 378 0.95% 73 0.18% 854 2.14% 9,076 22.75% 39,891
Modoc 1,909 60.49% 453 14.35% 636 20.15% 30 0.95% 6 0.19% 122 3.87% 1,273[a] 40.34% 3,156
Mono 1,859 56.66% 772 23.53% 430 13.11% 79 2.41% 18 0.55% 123 3.75% 1,087 33.13% 3,281
Monterey 37,553 41.06% 32,139 35.14% 10,446 11.42% 2,432 2.66% 702 0.77% 8,177 8.94% 5,414 5.92% 91,449
Napa 16,097 39.55% 14,115 34.68% 7,067 17.36% 1,856 4.56% 256 0.63% 1,306 3.21% 1,982 4.87% 40,697
Nevada 22,607 53.89% 9,534 22.73% 6,610 15.76% 1,851 4.41% 269 0.64% 1,079 2.57% 13,073 31.16% 41,950
Orange 493,850 63.49% 130,808 16.82% 119,504 15.36% 11,818 1.52% 2,286 0.29% 19,530 2.51% 363,042 46.68% 777,796
Placer 74,764 62.78% 19,706 16.55% 18,825 15.81% 3,081 2.59% 525 0.44% 2,181 1.83% 55,058 46.24% 119,082
Plumas 4,636 54.68% 1,709 20.16% 1,591 18.77% 222 2.62% 47 0.55% 273 3.22% 2,927 34.52% 8,478
Riverside 239,584 60.87% 84,683 21.52% 53,998 13.72% 4,235 1.08% 1,136 0.29% 9,933 2.52% 154,901 39.36% 393,569
Sacramento 195,435 52.34% 98,877 26.48% 52,046 13.94% 14,247 3.82% 1,975 0.53% 10,791 2.89% 96,558 25.86% 373,371
San Benito 6,452 48.62% 4,213 31.75% 1,836 13.84% 307 2.31% 60 0.45% 401 3.02% 2,239 16.87% 13,269
San Bernardino 218,989 60.11% 78,718 21.61% 52,636 14.45% 4,575 1.26% 753 0.21% 8,634 2.37% 140,271 38.50% 364,305
San Diego 485,563 59.50% 192,605 23.60% 97,198 11.91% 17,721 2.17% 2,754 0.34% 20,273 2.48% 292,958 35.90% 816,114
San Francisco 44,665 18.91% 149,237 63.18% 13,694 5.80% 14,950 6.33% 2,780 1.18% 10,900 4.61% -104,572 -44.27% 236,226
San Joaquin 63,905 48.51% 35,868 27.23% 25,699 19.51% 2,117 1.61% 384 0.29% 3,766 2.86% 28,037 21.28% 131,739
San Luis Obispo 44,665 49.53% 23,177 25.70% 16,630 18.44% 2,469 2.74% 505 0.56% 2,730 3.03% 21,488 23.83% 90,176
San Mateo 68,191 34.93% 86,854 44.49% 23,454 12.01% 8,224 4.21% 1,584 0.81% 6,921 3.55% -18,663 -9.56% 195,228
Santa Barbara 55,473 46.69% 36,171 30.44% 19,559 16.46% 3,329 2.80% 843 0.71% 3,440 2.90% 19,302 16.25% 118,815
Santa Clara 160,807 39.17% 163,768 39.89% 51,069 12.44% 15,694 3.82% 2,335 0.57% 16,875 4.11% -2,961 -0.72% 410,548
Santa Cruz 28,926 33.29% 39,828 45.84% 7,735 8.90% 6,044 6.96% 793 0.91% 3,567 4.11% -10,902 -12.55% 86,893
Shasta 31,949 57.86% 9,441 17.10% 11,177 20.24% 633 1.15% 175 0.32% 1,843 3.34% 20,772[a] 37.62% 55,218
Sierra 842 55.87% 269 17.85% 285 18.91% 46 3.05% 9 0.60% 56 3.72% 557[a] 36.96% 1,507
Siskiyou 8,974 58.57% 3,070 20.04% 2,403 15.68% 195 1.27% 62 0.40% 618 4.03% 5,904 38.53% 15,322
Solano 43,122 43.36% 34,441 34.63% 15,548 15.63% 2,603 2.62% 429 0.43% 3,318 3.34% 8,681 8.73% 99,461
Sonoma 54,651 34.97% 63,588 40.69% 21,102 13.57% 8,554 5.47% 2,214 1.42% 6,049 3.87% -8,937 -5.72% 156,258
Stanislaus 46,811 46.47% 25,034 24.85% 24,425 24.25% 1,673 1.66% 425 0.42% 2,355 2.34% 21,777 21.62% 100,723
Sutter 14,919 64.53% 3,459 14.96% 3,957 17.11% 259 1.12% 45 0.19% 482 2.08% 10,962[a] 47.41% 23,121
Tehama 10,038 58.06% 2,772 16.03% 3,586 20.74% 175 1.01% 65 0.38% 654 3.78% 6,452[a] 37.32% 17,290
Trinity 2,518 52.76% 1,057 22.15% 815 17.08% 127 2.66% 17 0.36% 239 5.01% 1,461 30.61% 4,773
Tulare 40,678 55.48% 16,943 23.11% 11,391 15.54% 472 0.64% 107 0.15% 3,731 5.09% 23,735 32.37% 73,322
Tuolumne 10,097 49.52% 4,799 23.54% 4,475 21.95% 481 2.36% 83 0.41% 455 2.23% 5,298 25.98% 20,390
Ventura 116,722 51.49% 53,705 23.69% 44,408 19.59% 4,778 2.11% 911 0.40% 6,183 2.73% 63,017 27.80% 226,707
Yolo 22,375 42.14% 19,489 36.70% 6,061 11.41% 3,029 5.70% 447 0.84% 1,696 3.19% 2,886 5.44% 53,097
Yuba 8,632 61.86% 2,301 16.49% 2,295 16.45% 225 1.61% 46 0.33% 454 3.25% 6,331 45.37% 13,953
Total 4,206,284 48.58% 2,724,874 31.47% 1,161,287 13.41% 242,247 2.80% 47,505 0.55% 275,718 3.18% 1,481,410 17.11% 8,657,915

Counties that flipped from Democratic to Republican


See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Margin over McClintock


  1. ^ a b "Statement of Vote" (PDF). elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov. California Secretary of State. 2003. Retrieved September 17, 2021.
  2. ^ "Complete List of Recall Attempts".
  3. ^ Baldassare, Mark; Katz, Cheryl (2008). The Coming Age of Direct Democracy: California's Recall and Beyond. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. p. 11. ISBN 9780742538719. Retrieved May 20, 2012. gray davis lynn frazier.
  4. ^ Jennie Bowser. "Recall of State Officials". Ncsl.org. Archived from the original on February 3, 2021. Retrieved October 2, 2012.
  5. ^ White, Jeremy (March 16, 2021). "Newsom says California recall likely to qualify, tries to soften Feinstein stance". Politico.
  6. ^ Hiram Johnson. "Inaugural Address". Governors of California. Archived from the original on July 7, 2007. Retrieved July 13, 2011.
  7. ^ "Recall of State Officials". National Conference of State Legislatures. July 12, 2011. Archived from the original on July 8, 2011. Retrieved July 13, 2011.
  8. ^ "2003 California Recall Election". University of California. Retrieved July 13, 2011.
  9. ^ Constitution of California, Art. II, Sec. 13. The process is defined in Constitutional Article II, Sections 13–20 and California Elections Code Div. 11.
  10. ^ Cal. Const., Art. II, Sec. 14(b).
  11. ^ a b "Recall in California". Institute of Governmental Studies - UC Berkeley. October 19, 2011. Archived from the original on January 8, 2008.
  12. ^ Arbour, Brian K.; Hayes, Danny (March 1, 2005). "Voter Turnout in the California Recall: Where Did the Increase Come From?". American Politics Research. 33 (2): 187–215. doi:10.1177/1532673X04272430. ISSN 1532-673X.
  13. ^ Cal. Const. Art. II, Sec 15(a)
  14. ^ Cal. Const. Art. II, Sec 15(b)
  15. ^ Cal. Const. Art. II, Sec. 17
  16. ^ "History of California Constitutional Officers" (PDF). sos.ca.gov. 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on November 3, 2010. Retrieved July 13, 2011.
  17. ^ "California Electric Energy Crisis - Provisions of AB 1890". U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Retrieved May 1, 2019.
  18. ^ O'Hehir, Andrew (January 27, 2001). "Gov. Davis and the failure of power – California". Salon.com. Retrieved August 14, 2010.
  19. ^ "California Gov. Davis Faces Recall Effort". CNN. June 17, 2003. Retrieved April 28, 2010.
  20. ^ Marsetta, Diane (2004). "Moving America One Step Forward And Two Steps Back". PR Watch.com. Center for Media and Democracy. Archived from the original on October 18, 2007. Retrieved February 28, 2008.
  21. ^ "About Us". Move America Forward. Archived from the original on March 13, 2008. Retrieved February 28, 2008.
  22. ^ "Special Election - Proponent's Grounds for Recall / Governor's Response". vigarchive.sos.ca.gov.
  23. ^ Harriet Chiang; Chronicle Legal Affairs Writer (May 14, 2001). "Davis urges Bush to cap 'obscene' power prices". Sfgate.com. Retrieved August 14, 2010.
  24. ^ "HOT TOPICS" – IGS Library/UC Berkeley
  25. ^ Bustamante, Cruz (2003). "Recall Information". sos.ca.gov. Archived from the original on July 21, 2011. Retrieved July 13, 2011.
  26. ^ LeDuff, Charlie (September 13, 2003). "G.O.P. Dealing With Split Over 2 Top Contenders". The New York Times. Retrieved March 10, 2013.
  27. ^ "Schwarzenegger announces bid for governor". CNN. August 7, 2003. Archived from the original on September 16, 2011. Retrieved July 13, 2011.
  28. ^ "Recall alphabet: Do you know your RWQs?". CNN. August 12, 2003.
  29. ^ a b c Wildermuth, John (August 8, 2003). "Schwarzenegger's GOP rivals quitting / ISSA DROPS OUT: Lawmaker who led recall drive shocks supporters". The San Francisco Chronicle.
  30. ^ "Top California recall candidates debate -- without Schwarzenegger". CNN. September 3, 2003. Retrieved April 28, 2010.
  31. ^ "Arnold steals show in California debate". Washington Times. September 25, 2003. Retrieved August 14, 2010.
  32. ^ Schultz, David Andrew, ed. (2004). Lights, camera, campaign!: media, politics, and political advertising. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. p. 261. ISBN 0-8204-6831-2.
  33. ^ Partnoy v. Shelley, 279 F.Supp. 2d 1064 (S.D. Cal. July 29, 2003).
  34. ^ Southwest Voter Registration Education Project v. Shelley, 276 F.Supp. 2d 1131 (C.D. Cal. August 20, 2003).
  35. ^ a b The Big Kozinski, Legal Affairs, Emily Bazelon, February 2005. Retrieved August 5, 2018.
  36. ^ Southwest Voter Registration Education Project v. Shelley, 344 F.3d 882 (9th Cir. September 15, 2003).
  37. ^ Southwest Voter Registration Education Project v. Shelley, 344 F.3d 914 (9th Cir. September 22, 2003).
  38. ^ Walsh, Edward (October 5, 2003). "New Voters Are Calif. Recall's Great Unknown". Washington Post. Retrieved May 16, 2021.
  39. ^ "Labor Day – One Year Out". Sabato's Crystal Ball. September 2, 2003.
  40. ^ Cal. Elections Code, § 11386.
  41. ^ "RECALL QUESTION: Statewide Summary" (PDF). California Secretary of State. March 11, 2004. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 21, 2014. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  42. ^ a b "GOVERNOR: Statewide Summary" (PDF). California Secretary of State. March 11, 2004. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 21, 2014. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  43. ^ "Report of Registration as of September 22, 2003" (PDF). California Secretary of State. November 20, 2003. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 21, 2014. Retrieved July 9, 2008.
  44. ^ "Huffington withdraws from recall race". CNN.com. September 30, 2003. Retrieved December 26, 2020.
  45. ^ "Ueberroth quits California recall race". CNN.com. September 10, 2003. Retrieved December 26, 2020.
  46. ^ "Simon drops out of California recall race". CNN.com. August 24, 2003. Retrieved December 26, 2003.
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Recall information
